fate zero第二季国语版,主要涉及五大类出口行业,涉及大蒜、银杏等产品;另外会协助外商客户寻求代工一些玩具产品及木材类出口,出口额逐年上升趋势,客户稳定;农产品主要方向欧洲、澳洲及南韩,主要是毛绒玩具系列和木板材加工出口。The type of our Company is production and external trade and focus on five main categories for export industries namely hardware lock mechanical equipment agricultural products timber processing exports and toys processing. Thereinto hardware lock and electrical products which built factories and research and development base in Changzhou and Wuxi. Existing customers distribute in Europe and Africawe get customers high praise due to our products with an generous annual export capacity and superior product quality. The main agricultural export is Garlic onions ginkgo etc. we have good cooper..,"本公司是对外贸易型公司,即五金锁具、机械设备、农产品、玩具周边、木材加工出口等。其中五金锁具客户主要欧洲及非洲,年出口量。

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